President and Board Chair:
Dr. Joseph Hunter
Vice President and Board Member :
Merry Holland
Secretary and Board Member:
Krista Hunter
Past Board Members:
Stan Peterson (2021-2023)
President's Advisory Board:
Mark Gaddis, Bible Translation
Caleb Harris, School Leadership
Brian Pfaff, Elementary Education
Dr. David Robinson, Biblical Counseling
Dr. Patrick Slyman, Theology and Exegesis
Send us a Message

improve the lives of at-risk school age children by participation in extra-curricular activities and/or church activities and events
aid, support or assist Bible translation and related activities
aid, support or assist schools, churches, and non-profits with technology, equipment, and facility improvements that focus on children and teens or the advancement of the Gospel. Please note: the 2024 strategic planning de-emphasizes capital improvement projects.
improve the lives of at-risk school age children by participation in extra-curricular activities and/or church activities and events
aid, support or assist Bible translation and related activities
aid, support or assist schools, churches, and non-profits with technology, equipment, and facility improvements that focus on children and teens or the advancement of the Gospel.
Foundation Purposes

President and Board Chair:
Dr. Joseph Hunter
Board Member / Vice President:
Merry Holland
Board Secretary:
Krista Hunter
President's Advisory Board:
Bible Translation:
Mark Gaddis,
School Leadership:
Caleb Harris,
Biblical Counseling:
David Robinson
Send us a Message
The Developing Successful People Foundation was created for the purpose of improving the lives of at-risk school age children through the introduction, fostering and/or promotion of Christian values as well as developing children’s character by investing in them through programs and other activities that help children be successful in life. Fundable projects include religious, charitable, scientific and educational purposes consistent with the most recent tax code section of 501 (c) (3) regulations. Acceptable and specific projects must include goals that meet one or more of the following goals of the Foundation:

Foundation Purposes

The Developing Successful People Foundation was created for the purpose of improving the lives of at-risk school age children through the introduction, fostering and/or promotion of Christian values as well as developing children’s character by investing in them through programs and other activities that help children be successful in life. Fundable projects include religious, charitable, scientific and educational purposes consistent with the most recent tax code section of 501 (c) (3) regulations. Acceptable and specific projects must include goals that meet one or more of the following goals of the Foundation:
improve the lives of at-risk school age children by participation in extra-curricular activities and/or church activities and events
aid, support or assist Bible translation and related activities
aid, support or assist schools, churches, and non-profits with technology, equipment, and facility improvements that focus on children and teens or the advancement of the Gospel.
President and Board Chair:
Dr. Joseph Hunter
Board Member / Vice President:
Merry Holland
Board Secretary:
Krista Hunter
President's Advisory Board:
Bible Translation:
Mark Gaddis
School Leadership:
Caleb Harris
Biblical Counseling:
David Robinson
Send us a Message
improve the lives of at-risk school age children by participation in extra-curricular activities and/or church activities and events
aid, support or assist Bible translation and related activities
aid, support or assist schools, churches, and non-profits with technology, equipment, and facility improvements that focus on children and teens or the advancement of the Gospel.